School toilets


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School toilets

School toilets and hygiene education help to improve health while protecting girls from harm. Access to sanitary toilets promotes better learning and can encourage young adolescent women to feel comfortable staying in school. This eGift card can:

  • promote education through improved sanitation;
  • help children learn basic hygiene practices so they don’t miss school due to bouts of diarrhoea;
  • encourage young women to stay in school when they reach puberty by giving them a private place to ensure their dignity.
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What you're supporting

These gifts help families access clean water and improved sanitation.

Delivery information

Emailed card: Just enter your recipient's name and email, and we'll email your gift to them for you.

Print your own card: Download a printable PDF you can easily fold into a card.

No card needed: Just want to buy a gift? That's fine too. We will email you a receipt right away.

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