A year of education for 55 school children


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A year of education for 55 school children

Help provide 55 children with access to quality education, learning basic maths, literacy and life skills for a whole school year with this eGift card. Education is a powerful way to help lift families from poverty, create sustainable change and build a solid foundation for children to grow and thrive.

  • Access to education breaks the cycle of generational poverty through literacy.
  • Higher education levels can equip students with the skills to increase their incomes and future job choices.
  • Education can empower young girls so that they marry later and have fewer children, thereby reducing the risk of child marriages.
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What you're supporting

These gifts help to equip children, and their communities, with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive.

Delivery information

Emailed card: Just enter your recipient's name and email, and we'll email your gift to them for you.

Print your own card: Download a printable PDF you can easily fold into a card.

No card needed: Just want to buy a gift? That's fine too. We will email you a receipt right away.

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