Complaints Policy

One of our core values as an organisation is that we are responsive. The aim of our Complaints Policy is to ensure that our Complaints handling process reflects the importance we place on listening and responding to concerns and Complaints from our supporters, beneficiaries, partners and the general public.

We will address all Complaints in an equitable, fair and unbiased manner using evidence submitted by both the person making the Complaint and our staff and volunteers. We will observe strict confidentiality in Complaint handling and ensure that the process is as easy and accessible as possible to all Complainants.

For more information, please refer to our full Complaints Policy.


You can make a Complaint in the following ways:

  • Via our online Complaints form
  • By phone on 13 32 40 (9am-5pm AEST/AEDT Monday-Friday)
  • Via email at
  • Via online chat (9am-5pm AEST/AEDT Monday-Friday)
  • Via post: GPO Box 9944, Melbourne, VIC 3001
  • In person: 1 Vision Drive, Burwood East, VIC 3151

Where Complaints are received verbally, we will ensure our write up of the Complaint contains all the information you wish to provide. 

Complaints received at public events, retail sites and/or via social media will be referred to our online Complaints form and the World Vision Australia Contact Centre on 13 32 40 (9am-5pm AEST/AEDT Monday-Friday) to ensure that your Complaint is handled by the appropriate team.

We recognise that in some circumstances Complainants may wish to remain anonymous. Because such Complaints can alert us to problems that need fixing, we will accept them though it may not be possible to provide a remedy to the individual concerned.

Complaints from World Vision Australia’s international and domestic field programs can initially be directed to the World Vision National Office and/or to the local or World Vision International website, which includes the Ethics Point website and the World Vision International Integrity and Protection Hotline. This is a confidential, password enabled system for Complaints and follow-up that is escalated globally to the appropriate office, including World Vision Australia. 
We are a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct. Complaints relating to an alleged breach of ACFID Code of Conduct by WVA may be made directly to the ACFID Code of Conduct Committee.
We are also a member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA) and subscribe to the FIA Code. Complaints relating to an alleged breach of the FIA Code may be made directly and anonymously to the FIA at: Complaints - Fundraising Institute Australia.

Anyone representing World Vision Australia, both in a paid or volunteer capacity, can receive a Complaint. All Complaints received will be directed to the World Vision Australia Contact Centre and referred to the appropriate team for handling.

Our Complaints Policy has been distributed to all World Vision staff, volunteers, partners and all others acting on our behalf. We require all those who may be involved in any way with the handling of a Complaint to formally signify their commitment to this policy.

Staff directly involved in Complaint handling are fully trained in all aspects of our policy and its implementation. 

When we receive a verbal Complaint, we will:

  • identify ourselves, listen, record details and seek from you the outcome you’re expecting;
  • confirm that we have understood and received the details; and
  • remain impartial and not attempt to take sides, lay blame or become defensive.

For all Complaints we will:

  • seek from you the outcome(s) you’re expecting; 
  • make an initial assessment of the severity of the Complaint and the urgency of action;
  • clearly explain the course of action that will follow:
  1. if the Complaint is out of our jurisdiction;
  2. if we may exercise a discretion not to investigate;
  3. if preliminary enquiries need to be made, or further consideration needs to be given; or
  4. if the Complaint is to be investigated;        
  • we will not create false expectations, but will provide assurance that the Complaint will receive full attention;
  • provide an estimated timeframe or, if that is not possible, a date by which we will contact you again;
  • check whether you are satisfied with the proposed action and, if not, advise you of alternatives;
  • ensure that the Complaint is appropriately acknowledged;
  • follow up where necessary, and monitor whether you are satisfied;
  • register all Complaints.

We will ensure that you don’t have to make your Complaint to anyone implicated in the Complaint itself and that any World Vision representative implicated in your Complaint is not involved in any way in its handling.

If you make a Complaint we will not reveal your name or personal details without your permission to anyone inside or outside our organisation, other than to the staff involved in handling your Complaint.

We will make every reasonable effort to investigate all the relevant circumstances and information surrounding your Complaint. The level of investigation will be determined by the seriousness and frequency of the Complaint. Serious Complaints that have required investigation will be escalated, as appropriate. 

We will communicate our decision on your Complaint as soon as practicable. Our communication will be in writing in the appropriate language by email and/or post, and/or verbally where appropriate. We will encourage you to respond and advise whether you are satisfied with our decision. If you are not satisfied, we are prepared to consider any additional information you can provide and to review our decision.

If we are unable to address your Complaint, we will advise you that the Complaint may be referred to the Code of Conduct Committee of ACFID (“Committee”) and offer to assist in the referral. On request of the Committee, we will also provide the Committee with all of the relevant information.

Best endeavours will be made to acknowledge written Complaints within five business days of receipt. Verbal Complaints, and Complaints received via online chat, will be acknowledged immediately.
We aim to resolve Complaints as quickly as possible and within 30 business days unless there are exceptional circumstances. If your Complaint is not resolved within 30 business days, we will inform you and keep you informed of its progress regularly.

We regularly review and use Complaint information to enhance our processes as part of continuous improvement practices.

We will take remedial action where required, including making changes to the way we operate and providing staff and volunteers with further training. Where needed, we will counsel or discipline staff or volunteers.

Where appropriate we will consult and take advice from the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and/or other regulatory authorities.