Learn more about our approach to Peacebuilding around the world:

More about World Vision's approach to Peacebuilding around the world:

In Afghanistan, World Vision has formed Peace-Promotion Task Forces (PPTF), whose members have been trained to promote messages of peace in conflict-prone areas.

The EU funded project invested a lot in Conflict Sensitivity (specifically context analysis) as the foundation for Peacebuilding. The project empowered women and faith leaders on conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding. Beneficiaries of the project varied from school children to government ministries (including the National Peace Council).

World Vision Asia Pacific has produced a Peace Education Curriculum for Peace Clubs. This was initially piloted in Indonesia.
World Vision’s “Mahoro” project in Burundi focused on countering acrimonious attitudes in media & public during the 2015 general elections. This could easily be adapted to focus on youth.
In the Central African Republic, World Vision established Peace Clubs for Empowering Children where children, their parents, and members of the community including their community leaders were trained on ways to ensure children are protected from harm. World Vision closely worked with faith leaders to build their capacities on Do No Harm (through DNH for Faith Groups)
In 2018, World Vision East Africa is working to promote children and youth in peacebuilding. In Uganda, World Vision helps peace clubs. Trains peace club members and provides the materials for children to organize activities to spread peace messages throughout the refugee and surrounding host communities through the “Empowering Children as Peacebuilders” (ECAP) project model (now a programming guide) and “Peace Road curriculum” (now a project model)
World Vision El Salvador developed a peacebuilding methodology for children ages 7 to 12 that strengthens self-esteem and tackles resolution of conflicts through an assertive emotion management technique. It has developed nearly 1000 peacebuilding groups.
World Vision designed a project in Ethiopia (funding committed) to integrate peacebuilding into Livelihood Programming between two polarized ethnic groups. The key local capacities for peace and insights for the design were taken from micro and macro context analysis.
India does a lot of Peacebuilding programming (integrated) with Children clubs. Their main focus are “Play for Peace” and “Life Skills for Transformational Development - LSTD.
In Kosovo, World Vision’s “Kids for Peace” program created Peace Ambassadors and Peace Clubs in different communities.
World Vision has participated in the “Youth Resolve” project aimed at building social cohesion in communities in Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq.
World Vision Sierra Leone developed a program to train children in advocacy strategies to reduce abuse in their communities.

Sri Lanka and the Philippines continue to implement Empowering Children as Peacebuilders. Their main focuses are “culture of peace”, “Do No Harm” for young people and Language for Peace.

In Sri Lanka, World Vision successfully implemented a Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project through Australian Aid. The project managed to use water and sanitation facilities as a “connector” to bring a polarised key stakeholders to the conflict in the estate plantation sector in Sri Lanka. The stakeholders were; the communities, the estate management and the local government. Water was identified as a main dividing factor among these stakeholders through context analysis and it was used proactively as a “connecting factor”

South Sudan, Mali, Eastern DRC and Burundi - The Fragile Context Programming Pilots: These pilots integrated peacebuilding into their sector based programming based on intense macro and micro level context analysis. Mostly the peacebuilding programming are directed towards “the root causes of conflict” or “working on fragility”

In Sudan World Vision, as part of the Darfur Community Peace & Stability Fund (UNDP), is employing community-based resolution mechanisms in areas with tribal and nested intra-tribal conflicts.

These gender-sensitive mechanisms work at all levels to re-establish relationships, build peace and proactively resolve potential conflicts.

World Vision's approach to Peacebuilding and Reconciliation:


  1. World Vision believes in conflict sensitivity as the foundation for Peacebuilding programming. Conflict Sensitivity is mandatory and Peacebuilding and reconciliation is optional

  2. Based on the context analysis, World Vision starts working on the local capacities for peace and dividers to design Peacebuilding programming

  3. Empowering Children as Peacebuilders is a “programming guide” that the organization uses to design Peacebuilding programming with children (6-18 years old). World Vision believes that children should be provided with basic needs, protection and life skills before they are equipped with “Peace Skills

  4. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) approach is a must for all peacebuilding programming with children. It’s a prerequisite.

  5. World Vision’s Peacebuilding programming actively brings in (integrates) Faith and Development, Gender and Environment

  6. “Integrated Peacebuilding” is World Vision's prefered way of programming (Education, Water and Sanitation, livelihoods etc.) - as opposed to stand-alone peacebuilding programming

  7. World Vision works closely with faith leaders to transform them into agents of peace. The initial approach is to work with them on “conflict sensitivity” - specifically through Do No Harm (DNH) - at present, only with the Muslim and Christian leaders. The next steps are to take them through a journey of “peacebuilding and reconciliation” - intrafaith first and then interfaith.