Helping children caught up in the Syria crisis

Five years of conflict in Syria has left more than four million refugees seeking shelter in neighbouring countries. Others are taking the desperate journey to Europe to seek safety. 


Half of those escaping the Syrian conflict are children. There is no peace yet in Syria, no safe return for its refugees.

While the facts and figures are stark, Australians like you – partnering with World Vision Australia – have made a huge difference for many Syrian refugees. You are helping overcome the despair with your donations.

World Vision has assisted 1.2 million refugees in Lebanon, 600,000 refugees in Jordan and 300,000 people in Syria. With your help we have provided affected children and their families with access to food, water and sanitation, education, essential supplies and more. This is your generosity in action. For that, we thank you.

Programs for children include remedial and supplemental education so they can return to school, as well as the creation of Child Friendly Spaces – safe places where children can play and receive support to help cope with the distress caused by their circumstances.

Your support is making such a difference. Your support is helping children and their families avoid malnutrition, and diseases such as cholera. It ensures that education – rather than exploitation – is an important part of children’s lives when they are forced from their homes and their normal way of life.

Your support is also building a sense of safety and routine for the children who have seen far too much, and whose childhood has been taken away by conflict.

The need in Syria is still urgent as the conflict continues to force children and their families from their homes. Thank you for continuing to partner with us to help the children caught up in Syrian crisis.