5 tax time tips

How to get the most out of your tax deductible donations

Here’s why donating to get charity tax deductions is a good idea and how you can maximise the difference you make.

1. Understanding tax deductible donations

Donating to charities with deductible gift recipient (DGR) status can make your contribution tax deductible. They just have to be $2 or more.

Depending on your own tax position, you can claim a deduction for your donation to receive a tax benefit. This means that by donating by 30 June, you can obtain a tax benefit in this financial year as well as make a contribution to people in need.

Plus, if you give to a cause like the Tax Time Appeal, you can make your donation go even further.

Donate now


2. Choose wisely

To ensure your money is going to the right place, be informed about where your donation is going. At World Vision Australia, we provide regular and transparent reporting on all our activities, operations and performance, both in Australia and overseas. It is central to how we demonstrate our accountability.

With a yearly internal and external audit process and over 80 percent of every dollar going to our development work, giving to World Vision is a wise decision to help create a lasting impact.

3. Maximise your impact at tax time

World Vision and the World Food Programme have partnered to deliver one of the world’s largest food assistance programs. Through our Tax Time Appeal, you can increase the impact of your tax time donation.

For every dollar you donate, we can multiply the impact of your donation 20 times*. Our costs per person have reduced, meaning you can reach more people than ever before. You’ll not only help provide emergency food; you’ll also empower communities to overcome poverty – fighting hunger long into the future.

Or, if you’d like to help change a child’s life and transform their world, tax time is the perfect time to start building a relationship with a child and their community through Child Sponsorship. See how your donation provides long-term solutions to overcome poverty and give a brighter future to your sponsored child.

Children receiving food

See more ways you can give and transform lives through World Vision here.

4. Beat the deadline to make it count

To be eligible to receive a tax deduction this financial year, ensure you make your charitable donation before the 30 June deadline. Find out more about giving here.


5. Keep your paperwork in order

You’ll need to keep a record of your tax deductible donations made over the year to claim deductions for your donations.

To make this easier, we send our supporters an annual tax statement of all tax deductible donations made to World Vision in the previous financial year. This means you can spend less time on your taxes and more time making a difference. 

Maximise your impact this tax time

*Food assistance is provided through programs involving a more complex understanding of people’s long-term nutritional needs and of the diverse approaches required to meet them.