Peace Building means safer communities

Gedeo and West Guji | Project impact

Peace Building means safer communities

Gedeo and West Guji | Project impact

Collaborative Action for Peace in Gedeo and West Guji is a two-year project carried out in Ethiopia by World Vision, Catholic Relief Services and CARE.  

Funded by the European Union’s Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), it aimed to promote reconciliation between Guji and Gedeo communities who have long experienced conflict over land, resources and governance.  

The project successfully increased opportunities for young people to lead peacebuilding; empowered community and faith leaders to promote social cohesion; and strengthened the capacity of service providers to respond to potential conflict.  

Impact Brief

Read a report summarising achievements and findings from the independent project evaluation.

Putting peacebuilding into practice

The project supported Gedeo and West Guji communities to identify and work together on mutually beneficial “connector” projects.

Explore the map to discover connector projects along the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region and Oromia border – from water points and a reconstructed bridge, to refurbished schools and health centres.

Case Studies

Collaborative Action for Peace

Helping neighbouring farmers

As part of their peacebuilding action plans, Gedeo youth helped West Guji families harvest their coffee.

Collaborative Action for Peace

Youth livelihood opportunities

270 youth in conflict-affected areas were supported to start income generating activities.

Harmony replaces hostility

Harmony replaces hostility

Peacebuilding training helped reconcile displaced families who returned home to their village.

669 young people

were trained in peacebuilding and conflict resolution. Of these, 315 received intensive training as peace champions.

Religious leaders

were trained to promote positive attitudes towards people of other faiths. This helped foster greater understanding and cross-faith collaboration.

Service providers

received capacity building and leadership training. This strengthened their ability to deliver programs within a conflict-sensitive approach.

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Funded by The European Union

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of World Vision Australia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.