Join Australia's largest food delivery order

Head Chef of DFAT Marise Payne

We are asking the Head Chef of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia's Foreign Minister, Marise Payne) to cook up an Emergency Food Aid order to prevent famine from hitting the world's most vulnerable people including 10 million children in 12 countries.

How Famine Busters works

Famine Busters Process

"Order" food for people at risk of Famine!

In just a few clicks you can ask the Federal Government to make Australia's largest and most urgent food delivery order of 2021. COVID-19 has made a bad situation even worse for millions of families going to bed hungry every night.
We must act now!

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Read our 'Double Hardship' Report

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"Double Hardship" PDF 5669 KB

Food Insecure Population Estimates - January 2021


Based on recent IPC analyses. Countries which do not have recent IPC analyses have been left out. (Source)

COVID-19 has hit Australia again. It's hard enough for us and even harder for our neighbours around the world, ill-equipped to deal with a pandemic.
And with no fences standing between any of us and COVID-19, it’s time we offered a helping hand - because we take care of our neighbours. It’s just what we do.
Together, let’s pledge solidarity with all our neighbours, and encourage our government to provide vital support to vulnerable nations. It’s what good neighbours do. It’s the only way we can...

What is World Vision doing to stop the virus?