Andrew Stephenson started his journey with World Vision Australia in 2009 when he responded to a door-knock appeal and chose to start sponsoring a child in Ethiopia. Supporting World Vision has been an opportunity for Andrew to do something meaningful for people who are less well-off.

He’s seen his sponsored child’s life transform through letters and photos – and witnessed him develop from a young, vulnerable child to an aspiring doctor with opportunities to thrive. Andrew feels a deep concern for the vulnerability of children in the communities where World Vision works; particularly for the women and girls who walk long distances to collect dirty water to survive.

Knowing that World Vision addresses these circumstances is what motivated him to give a generous gift in his Will.

“I have always admired World Vision,” said Andrew. “I have always been aware that World Vision has a good reputation … so a bequest seemed the obvious way of helping in areas that concerned me for people who have not had the advantages in life that I have had.”

Find out more on how to make lasting change here, email us or call (03) 9287 2646 .

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