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Thank you

Our work in Australia

Thanks to supporters like you, World Vision is partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations to lead their own development. We focus on development, not just services, and work to make long-term, sustainable change.

We want our children to be strong both ways. We want them to learn the mainstream way and we also want them to be really strong in our own way, in our cultural way.

– Yvonne, local project manager

Early Childhood Care and Development

Helping children and parents thrive

We’ve partnered with local communities in Western Australia and Northern Territory to help deliver community-run playgroups, after-school programs and parenting workshops.

Giving children the best start

Lack of access to early education means many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children can fall behind non-Indigenous children. But with these community-run playgroups, children in remote areas can have a culturally safe, inclusive space to play and learn. The groups also empower parents to support their child’s development.

Early Childhood Care and Development

430 playgroups have been delivered in 10 communities. In addition, 26 local Indigenous Australian women are employed, with 17 engaged in formal or informal training in early childhood care and development.

Young Mob

Championing Australia’s future leaders

We’re working with Indigenous Australian youth to strengthen their cultural connections and helping them become leaders capable of driving positive social change.

Building confidence for young adults 

Young Mob engages students aged 10 to 20 through workshops, learning activities and cultural immersion trips led by Indigenous Australian facilitators. Students are encouraged to build life skills, connect with culture, look to the future, and confidently engage with school and the world around them.

Young Mob

The program is growing! 372 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth have been involved, with 16 schools and one juvenile justice centre engaged. We’re also excited to see Young Mob participants who have stepped up to become leaders, such as prefect and school captain roles.

Martu Leadership Program

Fostering leaders of the future

We’re partnering with Martu organisation Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa to support Martu men and women with key skills and services. This way, Martu voices can be amplified and used to address challenges that face them and their families.

Both-ways learning

We are helping to equip Martu with the skills to effectively engage with mainstream society. But we’re also helping mainstream services better understand how to work with Martu communities and make change for their communities.

Martu Leadership Program

65 Martu men and women stepping up and leading change, and over 80 Martu joined the local magistrate, police and lawyers to brainstorm plans to make the criminal justice system more effective for Martu people.

Channels of Hope for Gender

Standing with women and girls

We’re partnering with faith leaders, communities and local services to challenge attitudes and behaviours that lead to domestic and family violence. We are also promoting positive, healthy relationships.

An approach based in faith

In Australia, Indigenous women are 35 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence than non-Indigenous women. With 73 percent of Indigenous Australians identifying as Christian, faith leaders are well placed to challenge attitudes around gender equity.

Channels of Hope

Programs have been established in Lajamanu, Northern Territory, and Dhiiyaan in Queensland. Key services such as the police, health clinics and women’s shelters have also been engaged to work with community to reduce levels of violence against women and girls.

Thank you for your continued support

You’re making an incredible difference. With your help, World Vision is partnering with Indigenous communities to bridge the gap and make a difference here in Australia. Thank you!

Help change more lives

Your donation to World Vision’s life-changing work in Australia can help us to continue partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Give a gift today!

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