Annual Tax Statement FAQs

Annual Tax Statement FAQs

As a financial supporter of World Vision Australia, you will receive an Annual Tax Statement showing a summary of tax-deductible donations you have made to us in the previous financial year.

Depending on your own tax position, the Annual Tax Statement will help you claim a tax deduction when it is time to prepare your tax return. In the lead up to tax time, we want to make sure it’s as simple as possible for you to access information about your contributions over the last financial year.

You will receive your digital tax statement by 16 July at the latest – it may come earlier. For posted tax statements, they will be mailed out by 22 July.

We know it’s important for you to get your Annual Tax Statement as quickly as possible. However, it’s important that we get it right. We need to allow a few days for our team to process donations that are made in the last few days of June. Once they’ve been processed, we also need to check that the right information is going to the right person.

If you have still not received your Annual Tax Statement by mid-August, please call us on 13 32 40.


Going paperless enables us to save costs, so we can maximise the impact of your donation. Plus, it helps us protect the environment by reducing our paper consumption.

Switching to online tax statements also means we can get your Annual Tax Statement out to you faster. If you’d still prefer to receive a printed tax statement in the mail, you can easily update your preferences. Call us on 13 32 40 or email us.

You’ll need to update your preference by Sunday 30 June to ensure you receive a printed tax statement for the 2023/24 financial year.

Yes, you can choose to receive your tax statement via post. However, please note that the cut-off date to opt in for 2023/24 posted statements is 30 June. If you are changing your preference after this date, we’ll try our best to post your statements out from 22 July for this financial year. Should this not be possible for some reason, you will receive your statement via email by 16 July.

Since 1 July 2008, as a general rule, we have not issued receipts for individual gifts to reduce costs and simplify processes. Instead, you will receive an Annual Tax Statement that contains a summary of tax-deductible donations you made to us during the financial year.

If you live in New South Wales, you will continue to receive receipts for certain types of individual gifts in compliance with NSW fundraising laws.

Group donations:
Many of our generous supporters give as a group with friends, family or work colleagues. This is done by pooling donations and having one person from the group send us the pooled amount. Each year, we spend considerable resources (in staff time and postage) responding to requests for Annual Tax Statements to be issued to individual members of such groups.

If you regularly donate in this way, you can help us save on administration costs (thus ensuring more of your donations are applied directly to our project work) by contacting us at the start of the financial year to make arrangements for issuing Annual Tax Statements to each group member.

Donations made through a bank
If you donated to any World Vision appeal at a bank branch, your donation will not be included in your Annual Tax Statement. You should use the deposit slip issued to you by the bank at that time for taxation purposes.

40 Hour Famine
If you sponsored a 40 Hour Famine participant and this was your sole donation to World Vision in this financial year, it will not be included in your Annual Tax Statement. Please refer to the donation receipt you received via the Raisely fundraising platform at the time you donated.
Some donations are not tax deductible
Donations must be $2 or more and have been donated to a tax-deductible appeal to qualify. For example, funds you have given to us as part of a competition or promotion or where you have otherwise received a benefit (such as purchasing a t-shirt) are not tax deductible.
Workplace Giving 
If you supported us through a Workplace Giving program, please contact your employer for confirmation of your contributions to use when completing your tax return.

Tap.Give.Change device
We will not issue a receipt for your donation unless you request one. Australian Taxation Office Class Ruling CR 2017/14 (Ruling) states that you can rely on your bank or credit card statement as written evidence for claiming a tax deduction in respect of a donation made using a tap to donate device. We will ensure the description of the transaction satisfies the requirements of the ruling. If you would still like a receipt please call us on 13 32 40.

If you supported us through a Workplace Giving program, please contact your employer for confirmation of your contributions to use when completing your tax return.

To enable you to claim a tax deduction for your generous donations, World Vision must maintain special endorsements from the Australian Taxation Office to qualify for “Deductible Gift Recipient” (DGR) status.

World Vision Australia has DGR endorsement as a Public Benevolent Institution and to operate an Overseas Aid Fund.

If you supported our tax-deductible programs in Australia (for example, through the Australia First Nations Program or the purchase of relevant World Vision gift catalogue items such as early learning for First Nations children), your donation is used by us in our work as a Public Benevolent Institution.

If you supported our tax-deductible programs overseas (including through the purchase of relevant World Vision gift catalogue items) your donation was paid into the Overseas Aid Fund.

For any financial information regarding World Vision Australia, please refer to our Annual Reports.

You could also refer to World Vision Australia's registration on the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission register -  this includes financial information in World Vision Australia's Annual Information Statement.

If you make donations on behalf of someone else and have not received an Annual Tax Statement, please call us on 13 32 40.