Still, 2.4 billion people lack access to improved sanitation

You can help turn the tide on the world’s water problems

Your monthly donation will actively change lives every day of the year by providing vital access to clean water and sanitation

A single one-off donation provides support that will help change a life today

Your monthly donation will actively change lives every day of the year by providing vital access to clean water and sanitation


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A single one-off donation provides support that will help change a life today


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These are some of the water, sanitation and hygiene activities your support will make possible.

Getting access up and running in every context

Your donations will help improve access to improved sanitation including wells, boreholes, water tanks, toilets, taps and sewage infrastructure.

We know that infrastructure and education go hand-in-hand. So, to enable long-term success, we provide vital sanitation and hygiene education to empower communities to advocate for, build and maintain their own facilities and infrastructure.

Mobilising communities for lasting change

To reduce the spread of disease, we trigger households to take initiative to build, use and maintain toilets.

Awareness and understanding propels communities into action, and natural leaders emerge as they collectively decide how to create a more hygienic environment. As communities’ design and drive their own locally-appropriate initiatives, there is greater ownership and sustainability. 

Creating a clean start for children

The first 1,000 days of life are critical to children’s overall health outcomes. 

In early childhood, we integrate our water, sanitation and hygiene work with nutrition, early childhood development and maternal, newborn and child health - far more effective than addressing any of these areas in isolation.

Washing away barriers for women and girls

When girls are unable to manage menstrual hygiene, it hinders their education, health and overall wellbeing. 

In Ethiopia, on average,51 percent of girls miss four school days a month because of their periods. By providing appropriate knowledge and resources, we
harness one of the biggest opportunities to improve school attendance and equality for girls.

Help improve access to life’s essential ingredient, and to better sanitation and hygiene.

Your support is vital.

50 years towards clean water for all – with your support.

Access to clean water doesn’t only save lives, it keeps children in school, improves education and equality for women, and helps communities to become self-sufficient. With our partners, field workers and volunteers, World Vision reached 2.37 million people with clean water in 2015. This would not have been possible without your support.

Help make lasting change to the world’s water problems

Improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene is just one part of our approach to community development.

Learn about other ways you can make a change and improve lives.