Agroforestry is particularly prevalent in Southeast Asia, Central America and South America, with over 80 percent of the agricultural lands in these regions currently under agroforestry. Agroforestry systems have been historically significant as sources of food and fuel for forest-dependent and rural communities in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia. Agriculturalists that rely on such systems make the most efficient use of limited land. Agroforestry systems also provide a range of non-timber forest products such as food, honey, medicines, and they are also of religious or spiritual value.
Agroforestry is practised both in highly mechanised commercial enterprises and on labour-intensive smallholder farms. Receptiveness to agroforestry may be greater amongst smallholder farms. Eighty percent of the farmland in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia is managed by smallholders, with farms of less than 10 hectares. Out of the 2.5 billion people in poor countries living directly from the food and agriculture sector, 1.5 billion people live in smallholder households. Smallholders provide up to 80 percent of the food supply in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike widespread perceptions, sustainable smallholdings can be very productive, and many of them practise agroforestry[4].
But, how can millions of smallholder farmers living in remote, difficult to reach locations, and often with limited access to communications, be reached, let alone convinced to scale up and out the adoption of agroforestry? Fortunately there is a modern precedent for rapid, low cost adoption of a form of agroforestry called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). From the mid-1980s, over a 20-year period, the average tree density in the agricultural zone of the Niger Republic increased across five million hectares, from around five trees per hectare to over 40 trees per hectare. In 2016, the US Geological survey conducted a study across seven West African countries (Senegal, Mali, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Nigeria) and found more than 15 million hectares of FMNR, six million of which are in the Niger Republic.
Dennis Garrity, the United Nations Drylands Ambassador, stated that the “mass scaling-up of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration is far more cost effective than conventional practices”.
A recent study in Malawi uncovered over one million hectares of FMNR with no apparent links to any government or NGO initiative. The main “inputs” that helped stimulate adoption were awareness of the technique, and peer acceptance and promotion. And more recently, radio promotion and in some cases creation of a favourable policy environment, which encourages private landholders to manage trees on their land. The significance of this is that this reforestation phenomena is largely a bottom-up movement. By studying the drivers of this movement, we have an opportunity to greatly accelerate the pace of adoption.
Such developments have largely gone unnoticed by climate scientists and policymakers, and yet, their contribution to climate change mitigation is significant. On farmland across the Sahel with relatively low tree densities of 40 trees/hectare, one tonne of CO2/hectare/year is being sequestered. However, in wetter areas, where FMNR has been applied in community forest restoration projects, as much as 15 tonnes of CO2/hectare/year are being sequestered.
World Vision is committed to addressing climate change. It has already introduced FMNR into development programming in 25 countries. World Vision is a founding member of the Global Evergreening Alliance, an international NGO which facilitates the development and implementation of massive-scale environmental restoration and sustainable agricultural intensification projects in developing countries around the world. World Vision International CEO Andrew Morley recently wrote that, “World Vision is committed to protecting the world and environment that God entrusted to us. Our FMNR strategy is an amazing way of restoring land and restoring lives.”
Now is the time to capitalize on lessons learnt in scaling up agroforestry and to mount a massive campaign to restore degraded landscapes.