Have you ever had to speak to a large crowd of strangers? Most of us can relate to how nerve-racking it can be.
Even the idea of it can stop you from stepping up and telling your story, or sharing your point of view.
Speaking in public is a key life skill that Indigenous young people are learning through Young Mob, a World Vision-supported program taking place in inner-suburban Sydney.
For the members of the Young Mob public speaking has become an integral part of building confidence and finding their voice.
Kimberley thought that there would be no way that she would ever stand up and speak in front of a crowd. But she explained that through Young Mob she did workshops and “started to really enjoy it”.
“I gained confidence from it,” Kimberley says. “I had courage from the other people as well.”
Young Mob takes the fear out of public speaking. Young Mob participants are encouraged to have fun while learning how to effectively approach any speaking engagement. It is helping Aboriginal young people to speak up and be confident in who they are.
How you can help
World Vision partners with Indigenous communities in projects that tackle the causes of disadvantage and transform the lives of children and families. You can support World Vision's work with Indigenous youth by donating to Australia Program.