Thanks to supporters of our Australia Program, children in the East Pilbara are getting the best start in life.
Central to this are the playgroups which have been set up with local families.
World Vision staff member Yvonne says it gives kids “the best opportunity that we could possibly give them so that […] they’re able to make decisions that will give them a better life and future.”
Children learn essential skills like literacy and numeracy. But they also have opportunities to strengthen their culture through activities like bush trips. As Yvonne explains, it’s about “getting that balance” and creating choices for the future. “You speak to many people and they would really like their kids to be strong in both worlds.”
Local mum Tressina says her children enjoy playgroup. “They learn to count, they learn the alphabet [and] even the colours,” she says. “[School is] important so that in the future they can go for jobs.”
Children’s improved school readiness is already showing. Toni, who teaches pre-schoolers next door, has noticed “a huge difference in the kids that are coming up now”.
Playgroup also helps families build greater trust and connection with the mainstream education system. “We are sort of like a bridge between community and the schools,” says Yvonne. Toni agrees: “It’s just that whole idea of […] parents coming into the school and feeling more comfortable here.”
As a result, parents like Tressina feel empowered to help manage playgroup. She sets it up in the mornings and promotes it among other parents. “We just go around [and] tell the parents, encourage them to come along and bring the little ones,” she says.
With community members like Tressina taking on leadership roles and developing a strong sense of ownership, progress looks set to continue for years to come.
Thanks to World Vision supporters, a lasting difference is being made to Australia’s Indigenous children and their families. The Australia Program is building strong partnerships in communities that will see children growing up happy, healthy and strong.
Learn more about the Australia Program.