Mosquito nets


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Mosquito nets

Repellent-treated mosquito nets help families sleep safely and sound, preventing deadly mosquito-borne diseases. This eGift card is a powerful defence against one of the biggest global health problems.

  • Cost-effective, the nets are ideal for widespread distribution.
  • Mosquito nets protect children and families from malaria, a leading cause of death and disease worldwide.
  • Repellent-treated nets protect against mosquitoes that carry a range of diseases including dengue fever and the Zika virus.
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What you're supporting

These gifts help keep families healthy and strong through access to health and wellbeing essentials.

Delivery information

Emailed card: Just enter your recipient's name and email, and we'll email your gift to them for you.

Print your own card: Download a printable PDF you can easily fold into a card.

No card needed: Just want to buy a gift? That's fine too. We will email you a receipt right away.