MASE-iDE-logo MASE-world-vision-logo MASE-aus-aid-logo MASE-lors-thmey-logo



A ‘win-win’ for communities and businesses

In Takeo province, Cambodia, it is common for people to earn a living as short-term labourers or subsistence farmers, often only producing enough food for themselves and their families. To address causes of poverty, a micro-franchising project spanning 10 districts is empowering smallholder farmers to achieve greater productivity and profits – delivering sustainable social and economic impact for both farmers and businesses.

With support from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), World Vision has partnered with International Development Enterprises (iDE) and social enterprise Lors Thmey to develop the Micro-Franchised Agricultural Service Expansion (MASE) project.

Through addressing farmers’ cost constraints and access challenges, the MASE project creates shared economic value for all stakeholders in the value chain. Improved production techniques and focused farm support result in greater yields, better quality produce, sustainability and efficiencies along the value chain. All market players benefit – including smallholder farmers, enterprises providing farm inputs and services, and those that transport and deliver produce to consumers.



Farmers increase production yields and incomes



farmers reached through the project between 2015-2017*



tonnes of produce grown by farmers including cucumber, beans, chilli, fresh greens and eggplant*


$228,156 (USD)

in total revenue generated for farmers through crop production*


*Figures current as of April 2017




Farm Business Advisor model empowers farmers


Built on iDE’s Farm Business Advisor model, the MASE project improves farmers’ livelihoods by providing better access to modern agricultural techniques, quality inputs, up-to-date training and market connections. The project empowers farmers to reduce risks, and increase production yields and incomes so they can better support themselves and their families.

Farm Business Advisors (FBA’s) – independent, micro-entrepreneurs recruited and trained by Lors Thmey – sell farmers agricultural inputs such as seeds and drip irrigation, provide agricultural technical support, and help to generate links with buyers in the market. Through the project, World Vision supports Lors Thmey to expand this advisory network in Takeo to reach poorer, more vulnerable households.

The project also improves sales and profits for Lors Thmey. The social enterprise collects and buys a significant portion of the farmers’ produce to sell at regional markets and in the capital, Phnom Penh. Lors Thmey also profits from the sale of agricultural inputs to farmers. Since the project partnership began in 2015, more than 180 farmers have started selling directly to Lors Thmey. The MASE project is on track to deliver a 363 percent increase in the social enterprise’s input sales by the end of 2017.

MASE project: The results on the ground

The MASE project equips farmers in Cambodia with the skills, knowledge and market connections to create a better future for them and their families.





Farmers celebrate growing success


Cucumber farmer Phat Sarun has seen his crop yields and income double.


The MASE project is changing lives and communities by helping Cambodian farmers to lift themselves out of poverty. Cucumber farmer Phat Sarun has seen his crop yields and income double in just a few months, after receiving support to buy quality inputs.

“With this plantation, I plan to build a new house next year for my family,” 
he says.

Another farmer, Krong Thoeun, had been forced to travel a long way to find work as a labourer. The high cost of transport and low income meant that he was struggling to provide for his family. His involvement in the MASE project has been life-changing.

“At first, I didn’t know about this model but I discussed it with my family and we started growing cucumbers. As a result, I now earn enough money to support my children with their schooling and to buy food for my family,” 
he says.



The MASE project involves 10 districts, 100 communes,
1,118 villages in Takeo province, Cambodia.





Find out more about economic empowerment
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