Create hope for children and the planet

Land degradation is among the world’s biggest problems. Leading to more extreme weather events, failed crops and starving livestock, it’s pushing vulnerable communities deeper into poverty.    

FMNR is a simple, low-cost way to restore barren landscapes into healthy and productive ecosystems. You can help rapidly spread this technique, so communities can better provide for their children.

Make 6x the impact

Every dollar you give will be matched with another $5 from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program. This means an opportunity to unleash significant impact.

Join communities fighting climate change

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In the unlikely event we receive contributions in excess of the needs in this category, we will use the excess in other areas of our work in FMNR, where funding is needed most.

Zambia needs forests now more than ever

You can help build an FMNR movement in Zambia – where action is urgently needed.

Forests support around 60 percent of the country’s rural population, who depend heavily on natural resources for their livelihoods.  

But every year, around a quarter of a million hectares of forests are lost to firewood and charcoal production, and land clearing for farming, mining and human settlement. Over 5.2 million hectares of land in Zambia is estimated to be degraded. 

Depleted soil is making it harder for farmers to grow crops and they’re becoming more reliant on expensive chemical fertilisers. They’re also suffering the impacts of climate change. Erratic rainfall and more intense flash floods are driving families to migrate to other areas.

How to do FMNR

Inspired by age-old practices, FMNR is a powerful tool to tackle climate change from the ground up. Communities are trained to carefully prune and protect shrubs and stumps with living root systems, so trees regrow.  

“If you work with nature, miracles are possible.”

Tony Rinaudo AM, our Principal Climate Action Advisor, has helped lead the spread of FMNR in 29 countries across Africa and Asia. This “embarrassingly simple” solution has helped regenerate millions of hectares – including in some of the world’s toughest climates.  

Empowering farmers to regrow forests 

In Zambia’s Katete District, tree loss has caused farmers like Adamson many problems. They’ve experienced soil erosion, more frequent drought and failed crops.  

But through FMNR, Adamson and his neighbours are transforming their environment – and their lives. They are restoring tree cover and reviving the land for generations to come.  

“If not for World Vision’s FMNR training … our land would have been without any trees, and we would be languishing in poverty with our children having no future,” says Adamson.  

“We are slowly restoring nature,” adds Josias, a village chief. “We invited everyone in the communities – young people, men and women – and trained them on the importance of taking care of the trees.”  

Birds, insects and animals have now returned. Community members are earning extra income from harvesting honey.  

“Through these forests, we are able to take our children to school, build housing infrastructures and also it is our source of food and medicines,” Josias says. “Community members value the importance of having trees in the community and protect the forestry because they know that their lives depend on it.” 

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5 children standing in a forest smiling

Women’s group brings forest back to life

In northern Kenya, we’re working with the Kenya Forestry Service to train community members, especially women, in FMNR and other regreening activities. This means they can save an important forest.

As a typical dry forest, Marsabit Forest appears “dead” for much of the year and has been largely neglected.

“We used to cut a lot of trees in the forest for charcoal burning, since the frequent droughts made it impossible for us to rely solely on crop or livestock farming,” says Joyce, chair of the Songa women’s group. “But we didn't know that it was the cutting of trees that had contributed to the farming problems we were facing.”

Together with fellow group members, Joyce replants hardy indigenous trees in the forest from her well-established nursery. The women practice FMNR, boosting growth through effective pruning.

They’ve also embraced alternative income sources. “I have integrated [fruit trees] with vegetables, which has enhanced the nutritional status of my children and family. I also sell them to get money for other basic needs,” Joyce explains.

Joyce’s farm has become a training ground for other women’s groups. The members watch over the forest and prevent further deforestation. And they’re sharing their knowledge with local young people, nurturing a new generation of environmental champions.

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Woman standing in a field of crops

You can help make an incredible impact

5 children standing in a field smiling


1.04 million hectares

in Zambia could sequester up to 71.8 million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2030. 
Man next to a tree working

FMNR can be up to

36 times cheaper

per hectare than tree planting.

Woman with bushy hair smiling, holding a child

Up to

10kg of carbon dioxide

can be absorbed by a single tree per year.

Join the uprising

You can help transform the environment on an extraordinary scale, changing lives for generations to come.